Sunday, November 23, 2008

First try at decorating

After being inspired by a friend who brought cupcakes to class one day, I bought a Wilton 15 piece decorating kit from the store down the street and did some experimenting. I made a buttercream icing and used generic food coloring to decorate the cupcakes.

I tried a few different techniques with the different tips in the kit.

This one was my favorite.

A few days later I returned to the store and purchased a tub of gum paste mix and a flower tool set. I practiced with the gum paste mix and attempted this calla lily. It turned out alright, but the gum paste dried faster than I had anticipated, therefore cracking the edges of the lily.

Shortly after that, I got the courage to try the Wilton rose. It didn't turn out quite right, but it was fine for a first try. I gave up for the day and came back to it later.

The next time I tried, I had a bit more success. I also tried my hand at a leaf to accompany the rose.

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